Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Sisig for the Vegetarians

They may not admit it, but I can feel how envy vegetarians are every time they hear the word "sisig" or see someone enjoying a sizzling plate of pork sisig with egg on top. Oooh, the smell, the craclking sound and the wonderful taste... I can't blame them.

Well, now, since I got a chance to visit the exhibit of Likha ng Central Luzon, lemme share to you, my dear vegetarian readers, this wonderful offering that came from the leading onion producer and main rice growing province of the country, Nueva Ecija!

When I got inside this exhibit of arts and crafts and food, I first headed to the section where the authentic dishes were situated.

I've seen very unique delicacies that really amazed me. But there's one dish that I got to taste and really loved it - the Mushroon Sisig!

The smel was really inviting and the color, for me, seems fine. So, without too much hesitation, I took a smapler plate and  got a taste of this unique dish.

In all honesty, I liked it!

The taste was really sisig. The mushroom was good and chewy which made this dish more enjoyable. It was kinda sweet and tangy in a nice compelemnting way and the price per container, very friendly!

The good thing about this since it is mushroom, it is so easy to prepare. Per container can be enjoyed by, I think, two to three person. Not bad, eh?

If you wanna have a taste of this delectabel dish from Nueva Ecija, I got their contact info.

Nagaño Farms Corpporation
Telefax: 044-9402693

They also have Mushroom Tempura for those Japanese cravings. They may seem different in color and look but the taste is really different. The sisig really brought the Filipino classic to a high standard.

Happy eating!

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